Thursday, April 24, 2008
Coolest Watches
Thursday, April 10, 2008
How is Global Warming affecting us?
This is a very interesting hot topic...
An article I read over a month ago encouraged me to write about the topic but, I've been putting it off because I felt that the topic might become too long. This is partly the reason why I haven't written anything on my Blog lately. Oh well, Here we go...
I believe that there are facts, evidences, and convincing arguments on both sides of the issue and, therefore, I see no need to argue to conclude with a definitive answer, or come up with the million dollar solution to this issue. Let's put it this way, if there was concrete, empirical evidence, that global warming is either true or false, would there be such strong opposition and passionate groups as we see today on either side?
Popular belief, and scientific consensus, would all agree that Global Warming is a fact and if you think otherwise, or question it, be prepared for a condescending attitude from the opposition. On the one hand, there is a sense of arrogance from those that believe in the mainstream theory. I've seen this in many articles, heard it on many radio programs, and in many Podcasts episodes.
On the other hand, you see some great logical, common sense approach to the issue, such as the video below. The video is long, but I suggest you watch the whole video, it's entertaining and interesting...
Interesting Argument About Global Warming - Watch more free videos
UPDATE: He's back for round two LINK
The way I see it...
I believe that the evidence leans more towards the theory that the earth going through a cycle, rather than humans being a huge part of the issue. I find it interesting that in the 1970's, scientist consensus was that we were headed for the next global ice age (...uh-huh). For this, and so many other reasons, a scientific consensus means nothing more than an untrustworthy statistic. They have been wrong in so many areas throughout the decades, especially during the 60's and 70's, but thats whole other topic.
Here is another great logical and common sense approach to the issue from the skeptics side. Remember when the Founder of the Weather Channel, John Coleman, suggested to sue Al Gore, and various other carbon credit selling companies for telling people "how to live their life"? I got a good chuckle out of it. But I like his position... It makes sense, doesn't it? His comment basically sums up what many well read individuals think on the issue:"
"Since we can't get a debate, I thought perhaps if we had a legal challenge and went into a court of law, where it was our scientists and their scientists, and all the legal proceedings with the discovery and all their documents from both sides and scientific testimony from both sides, we could finally get a good solid debate on the issue," (LINK)
So how has Global Warming affected us? I can honestly say that Global Warming has affected us in a very positive way! Thanks to the media shoving up the issue in our faces on a daily basis! there has been a huge awareness in many industries to develop environmentally friendly, energy efficient, recyclable products, and becoming certified to old and new environmentally friendly industry standards, such as OSHA, ROHs, etc, in response to customers requesting environmentally friendly products. Also, on a personal level, I'd like to think that we all try to do something for the environment, wether it be recycling a water bottle, or simply turning off the lights in your house, we all try to do our part.
So, thanks Global Warming!
Your comments?
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Vegetable Orchestra
Top 10 Jackie Chan Stunts
Insect Lab Studio
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
April Fools!!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Male Pregnancy...What!?
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Faces on Mars?
Monday, March 24, 2008
What's a Laptop?
...And a quickie!
In case you didn't know, MacBook Air Owners have been having some difficulties passing through Airport security due to their "suspiciously looking" laptops. According to some reports, the technically challenged staff of TSA believe that the MacBook Air is too thin to be a laptop. When viewed through the X-Ray machine, the Air reveals further naughtiness that peeks the interest of TSA even more! Can you imagine the conversation of having to explain your laptop?
Sunday, March 23, 2008
A Bee Story
Here is something interesting, and frightening...
Saturday, March 15, 2008
The Beautiful Sky
Astronomy has always been near-and-dear to my heart. In school it was my favorite subject, and I always excelled whenever the subject was taught in class. I remember when my dad bought me my first (and sadly my only) telescope. He had bought it for me in a yard sale, ever since then I've become a nerd! Star charts, planets, moons, nebulae, galaxies, the Universe, I've studied them all and even today, I'm always up-to-date with recent discoveries, new theories, and anything related to astronomy.
The picture you see on the top of my blog, as my header, is a composite picture of the Helix Nebula taken with two different telescopes; one being The Hubble space telescope, and the other being an earthbound telescope called the Mosaic II.
The reason I chose this image was because it was one of the first things that I saw as a kid that attracted me to the night sky, and henceforth made me into a geek. The beautiful colors and shapes of the nebulae always made me gasp! These nebulae are incredibly beautiful unfortunately, the colors of the nebulae are not really true.
To be fair, scientists say that the colors you see on the images would be what we would see were near the nebulae and our eyes were as sensitive as the Hubble's lens...gee!
Here is a high resolution image from NASA of the beautiful Helix Nebula: